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National Business Development Network (NBDN) is an association of 35 business centres and business incubators established under the JOBS project, with the support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the local municipalities. 

Our mission is to create new entrepreneurial culture, to improve the standard of living through various forms of support for the development of smalls and medium businesses and insuring greater employment opportunities. 

NBDN its members in the design and management of international projects in the areas of employment encouragement, increasing of the competitiveness of the Small and Medium Enterprises, professional training and re-qualification, tourism, handicrafts, etc. 

Our Goals are:

  • Development and strengthening of network of organizations for business support
  • Encouraging the entrepreneurship and improving the business climate via establishment of broad partnerships
  • Increasing the capacity of the Bulgarian entrepreneurs for the development of sustainable and competitive business in the conditions of a common European market and a globalizing world

The NBDN network comprises 35 business centres which are in service to the business by providing:

  • a range of services to start-up businesses
  • business consultations and specialized trainings
  • market information and business contacts with local and foreign companies
  • professional training for qualification and re-qualification aiming to increase or to keep the level the employment in the regions
  • stimulus for the dialogue at local and national level for strengthening the trust between the public and the private sector
  • legal, consultative and logistics assistance for credit applications
  • promotion of the activity of local companies
  • participation in local and international fairs and exhibitions, conferences and forums
  • up-to-date communication and information services, etc.